Metisa JavaScript SDK

Metisa JavaScript SDK will help you easily integrate with Metisa in browser or Node.js (coming soon) environment.

Before installation, you can click here to learn more about the prerequisites and concepts of our Custom Integration for e-commerce platforms.


For a guided installation tutorial for your app:

Below we go through the bare necessities to get set up with Metisa on your website.

In Browser

Metisa for browser requires v1.5+ jQuery. Please make sure jQuery is available.

Add this to your base template file if your site uses an older version of jQuery or does not use it at all.

Note: adding this code block when your site already loads jQuery has a very slim chance of breaking your site due to differences between versions.

<script src=""

Once jQuery is available, paste the following script to the same file below jQuery. This will load the Metisa script that is needed to send and receive data to/from Metisa.

<script src=""></script>

Hack away!

<!-- Embed recommendation widget -->
<div class="mt-widget" data-widget-id="{{ your_widget_id }}"></div>

<!-- Init metisa.js script -->
  mt('slug', '{{ your_metisa_account_slug }}');

results matching ""

    No results matching ""