Data schema for API endpoints

Like every API, there is a fixed format in the data that the Metisa endpoints expect. The schema for Item and Action endpoints are detailed below (required fields are indicated in bold):

Item data

Item data consists of these key value pairs:

  • id Item ID
  • name Item name
  • maker Value of the attribute to categorize the items
  • variants The list of variants of this item
    • id Variant ID
    • availability Number of items available for sale
    • image_url URL of item variant image source
    • url URL to the item variant
    • price Item variant's regular price
    • price_discounted Item variant's discounted price

Item information can be tricky, because different e-commerce platforms save items and their variants differently.

In Metisa, we save item variants instead of the item itself. This means there is a specific way to send data about items with and without variants.

The following are examples of itemData handled in different kind of application:

Example 1: Product with variants

A product that has a variant with 2 options, e.g. a pair of shoes with Blue and Green color options.

var itemData = {
  id: '81923681',
  name: 'Running Shoes',
  maker: 'Nike', // brand name
  variants: [
      id: '5953504327',
      name: 'Blue',
      availability: 10,
      image_url: '',
      url: '',
      price: '99.90'
      price_discounted: '80'
      id: '5953504331',
      name: 'Green',
      availability: 0, // 0 indicates this variant is out of stock
      image_url: '',
      url: '',
      price: '99.90',
      price_discounted: '80'
Example 2: Product without variants

The same pair of shoes has no variants and comes only in a single color and size.

var itemData = {
  id: '81923681',
  name: 'Running Shoes',
  maker: 'Nike', // brand name
  variants: [
      id: '81923681',
      name: null,  // null indicates this product has no variants
      availability: 3,
      image_url: '',
      url: '',
      price: '99.90',
      price_discounted: null
Example 3: Song with variants

A song released as single and then in an album.

var itemData = {
  id: '12334',
  name: 'Million Reasons',
  maker: 'Lady Gaga', // artist name
  variants: [
      id: '12334',
      name: null, // null indicates this song is released as single
      availability: null,
      image_url: '',
      url: '',
      price: null,
      price_discounted: null
      id: '22345', // album ID
      name: 'Joanne', // album title
      availability: null,
      image_url: '',
      url: '',
      price: null,
      price_discounted: null
Example 4: Song without variants

A song released as single.

var itemData = {
  id: '12335',
  name: 'The Cure',
  maker: 'Lady Gaga', // artist name
  variants: [
      id: '12335',
      name: null, // null indicates this song is released as single
      availability: null,
      image_url: '',
      url: '',
      price: null,
      price_discounted: null
Example 5: News article

An article in newspaper app.

var itemData = {
  id: '23145',
  name: 'Home-run beauty, skincare labels turn to natural products such as coffee ground',
  maker: 'Fashion',
  variants: [
      id: '23145',
      name: null,
      image_url: '',
      url: ''


  • Even if an item has no variant, the variants array must still have a single object describing the item itself. The variant[0].id should be identical to id, and name should be null.
  • For optional (i.e. non-required) fields, if there is no data about the fields or the fields are not applicable to the item, those fields can be either null or omitted.
  • If there are missing fields, Metisa will specify them in the HTTP 400 response.

Action data

Action data consists of these key value pairs:

  • id Action ID
  • user Data about who is using your app
    • id User ID
    • first_name User first name
    • last_name User last name
    • email User email address
  • currency Three-character currency symbol
  • line_items The list of items involved in the action
    • variant_id ID of the item variant
    • price Unit price of the item variant
    • quantity Quantity of the item variant involved in the action
    • item_id ID of the parent item
    • total_discount Discount applied to the line item (factoring in quantity)
Example 1: Product checkout
var actionData = {
  id: '823413',
  user: {
    id: '3712',
    first_name: 'James',
    last_name: 'Schwartz',
    email: ''
  currency: "USD",
  line_items: [
      variant_id: '5953504331',
      quantity: 1,
      price: '99.90',
      item_id: '81923681',
      total_discount: '0.0'
      variant_id: '5953504300',
      quantity: 2,
      price: '129.90',
      item_id: '81923622',
      total_discount: '10.0'
Example 2: Browsing an news article
var actionData = {
  id: '1234',
  user: {
    id: '0',
    first_name: null,
    last_name: null,
    email: '',
  line_items: [
      variant_id: '34454',
      item_id: '34454'


  • If your app supports "guest" users (eg. guest checkouts) where ID is not generated yet, please use a temporary unique ID for the as it is a required field. In this case, will be used to identify the user.
  • If there are missing fields, Metisa will specify them in the HTTP 400 response.

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